Simon Robin

Information Security Enthusiast

Welcome, dear reader!

I'm Simon Robin a.k.a. sljrobin. I'm an Information Security enthusiast. I like learning and understanding what's going on under the hood in the digital world around us. I mainly enjoy Web Security, starting with CTF challenges back in university and moving on to doing it with my daily job.

I was born in Bordeaux, France. I've studied Computer Science at the French Engineering school ESIEA and Information Security at Royal Holloway, University of London and Imperial College London.

Find me elsewhere on the web:

Feel free to use my PGP public key or my Keybase.

Web Security Web Security
Coding Coding

Life after Graduation

  • 2017/03 - Took up landscape photography as a new hobby

  • 2006/03 - Started to play guitar

  • 2004/09 - Studied classical music at Bordeaux Conservatory of Music

  • 1996/11 - Began playing piano

  • 1992/11 - Hello World!

I used to be a keen Capture The Flag (CTF) player, playing on solo challenges as well as with people in competitions.

As of 2018, I was Top ranked 400 in WeChall database.

I also used to play on CTFtime with my team, d0tslashpwn.

A non-exhaustive list of places I used to play:

I'm now learning new tips and tricks thanks to the Web Security Academy and VulnHub.

Besides Information Security, Photography is another big hobby of mine.

I'm mostly interested in landscape photography.

Over the years, I built a portfolio containing several galleries. It is accessible here. I am also an infrequent Instagram user.

Feel free to reach me for high-resolution pictures.